Food Pantry

The food pantry is open the first and third Saturday of each month from 11 a.m. - 12 p.m.

We offer a Bible study from September through to June before each food pantry from 10 - 11 a.m. (entry through the accessible door at the top of the ramp).

For our Guests

If you are new to the food pantry:  Welcome! Please note that we collect the name, address and birthdate of everyone in your household. You can give us the information the day you attend, or you can email us in advance.  Guests are asked to please bring their own grocery bags, if possible.

If you are unable to attend: You are welcome to send someone to pick up food for you or you can arrange for Routes to pick up food for you.  You will need to send your information with the person picking up for you if you are not attending.  If using Routes, please contact Sheri before registering with them and let us know so we can have your food ready for the delivery.  

Other services:
The Food Bank for our region is the Georgina Food Pantry in Sutton, and can be reached at 905-596-0557.

Routes may be able to assist with rides or pick up, and can be reached at 905-722-4616 or

For our Donors

Accepted donations: We accept non-perishable food items and cash donations. Food donations that are unopened and not expired can be dropped off in the donation bin in the foyer. Cash donations can be dropped off at the church in an envelope marked “Food Pantry”. Please do not drop off household items. 

Current needs: Pasta, pasta sauce, canned tomatoes, brown beans, protein beans, canned fruit, canned vegetables, juice, peanut butter and jam.

We welcome volunteers. If you have any questions please email Pantry Coordinator Sheri S.

Opportunities with Routes Connecting Communities Inc.

Find out how you can get involved with Routes by checking out the video below.